In 1997 the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) formed a committee with the objective of developing appropriate instruments to assess the efficacy, safety and outcome of the various cartilage repair techniques. The following was developed as part of this initiative.
- IKDC (International Knee Documentation Committee Score)
- CRAS - Cartilage Repair Assessment Score. An intra-operative scoring system to grade the macroscopic appearance of chondral grafting procedures.
- Lesion mapping - a grid system for labelling the anatomic locations of chondral lesions of the knee.
- ICRS Classification codes for OCD and chondral lesions.
Socrates was created in 2006 as a collaboration between Socrates Ortho Pty Ltd and the ICRS to computerize the specifications developed by the ICRS to assess the outcome of cartilage repair procedures. Most of the focus initially was on the knee, where the majority of chondral repair procedures are performed. However, since cartilage repair and regeneration procedures are often done in conjunction with other procedures and not just the knee, the scope of the project was soon extended to other joints and for surgical and non-surgical procedures.
There is no longer any formal relationship between the ICRS and Socrates Ortho, however we do offer a small discount to ICRS members.
Version 2 in mid-2007 added some enhancements such as drawing screens and additional fields for the knee. Version 3 launched in early 2009 added the Hip and Knee Arthroplasty and the Hip Arthroscopy modules. A Shoulder module was added in December 2009. In 2011 the Elbow & Hand, Foot & Ankle, and General modules were added. The Spine module was released at NASS, New Orleans in October 2013.
The name SOCRATES was originally an acronym for Standardised Orthopaedic Cartilage Repair and Treatment Evaluation Software and was devised by Mr Stephan Seiler, executive director of the ICRS. With the addition of the new modules which extended into non cartilage indications we’ve made a slight change to reflect this - it is now Standardised Orthopaedic Clinical Research and Treatment Evaluation Software.